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The Promise of Spring

Anna Andersen (Director)

Filmmakers: Anna Andersen (Director), Nilufar Amin (Producer)
Envoys: Anna Andersen (Director), Nilufar Amin (Producer)

Synopsis: Finding a unique artistic identity is paramount for Violet Oliphant-O’Neill. Raised by one of the art world’s best-kept secrets and most prolific painters of our time, Sarah Oliphant, and the heralded celebrity photographer, Michael O’Neill, Violet strives to find herself through artistic exploration. Sarah wants nothing more than for her daughter to follow her heart, as long as it leads her to find “her own adventure”. Violet must balance the weight of continuing the Oliphant legacy with her burning desire to stay true to herself. That is “The Promise of Spring.”

About the Filmmaker:

Anna Andersen, an award-winning documentary filmmaker and co-founder of NINA FILMS, is focused on the dynamism of the female identity and unexplored worlds. Anna specializes in stories around complex mother/daughter relationships and the quest for identity. Her films, showcased at prestigious film festivals like Tribeca, DOC NYC, and Florida Fi lm Festival have received numerous awards, including Grand Jury and Audience Awards. Her work has been commissioned by PBS and featured in Forbes. Anna continues to shape the future of documentary fillmmaking with her innovative approach, championing diverse voices and untold stories.